TRT clinic Molalla, OR - Rejuvenate Medical

Introduction to Rejuvenate Medical and Testosterone Replacement Therapy

Rejuvenate Medical is a premier hormone clinic located in Molalla, Oregon, that specializes in testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) for men. As experts in the field of men's health and anti-aging medicine, we utilize advanced diagnostic testing and cutting-edge therapies to help men optimize their vitality, performance, and quality of life.

At Rejuvenate Medical, we understand that low testosterone or hypogonadism is a serious medical condition that negatively impacts men's health and well-being. Symptoms of low testosterone include:

Symptom Description
Decreased energy and fatigue Feeling constantly tired and lacking energy
Difficulty concentrating and mental fogginess Trouble focusing and cognitive impairment
Irritability, anxiety, and depression Mood disturbances and emotional imbalances
Reduced muscle mass and strength Loss of muscle and physical strength
Increased body fat and difficulty losing weight Stubborn fat accumulation and resistance to weight loss
Reduced libido and erectile dysfunction Decreased sexual desire and performance issues

Fortunately, testosterone replacement therapy can safely and effectively treat hormone deficiency in men. When properly monitored by a physician, TRT offers life-changing benefits.

Benefits of Testosterone Replacement Therapy

The benefits of TRT are wide-ranging, and men undergoing treatment often report feeling 10-15 years younger. TRT works by restoring testosterone levels to normal healthy ranges, alleviating symptoms of low T.

Benefits of TRT include:

Additionally, by mitigating the effects of aging, TRT helps men feel, look, and perform at their best regardless of age.

Our services

Restore your vitality with our expert care.

Diagnosing Low Testosterone

The first step is diagnosing low testosterone through accurate testing. At Rejuvenate Medical, we utilize advanced diagnostic tools and panels to get a complete picture of your hormone health, including:

We also take into account your symptoms and medical history. Our physicians will ensure proper diagnosis of hormone imbalance or deficiency before moving forward with treatment options.

Accurate lab testing is crucial, as testosterone levels fluctuate and can be impacted by many factors. We use cutting-edge diagnostic tools and thorough analysis to determine if TRT is appropriate.

Rejuvenate Medical TRT Protocols

If low testosterone is diagnosed, we will develop a customized treatment plan optimized to your needs. We offer various TRT therapy options:

Therapy Option Description
Testosterone injections The most effective TRT therapy. Testosterone is injected intramuscularly, most commonly in the buttocks or thighs. Provides longer-lasting results.
Testosterone gels Topical gels deliver testosterone transdermally. Applied once daily to the arms, shoulders, or abdomen. Convenient application.
Testosterone pellets Bio-identical hormone pellets are implanted subdermally and release testosterone steadily over 3-6 months. Most convenient option.
Oral testosterone Taken in capsule form. Not as effective as injections or topicals but easier to administer.
HCG therapy Human chorionic gonadotropin stimulates natural testosterone production and fertility. Often combined with TRT.
Clomid/Clomiphene Encourages the pituitary gland to produce more LH/FSH to stimulate testosterone release. Alternative for some patients.

Rejuvenate Medical physicians will recommend the ideal protocol tailored to your body and needs. We also provide expert guidance and support throughout your TRT journey.

Lifestyle Optimization for TRT Success

TRT is most effective when combined with an optimized diet, exercise program, and lifestyle protocols. Our clinicians offer science-based recommendations to help you maximize the benefits of therapy:

We also provide genetic testing to offer insights into health risks and personalized recommendations. Lifestyle optimization is key for TRT success.

Get your energy back, get tested today.

The Benefits of Choosing Rejuvenate Medical

Choosing the right clinic is crucial to safely and effectively undergo testosterone replacement therapy. At Rejuvenate Medical, you get:

Rejuvenate Medical offers unrivaled TRT therapy, combining clinical excellence with personalized care. Discover renewed energy, vitality, and wellness by contacting us today.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the side effects or risks associated with TRT?

When properly monitored by an experienced physician, TRT is extremely safe for most men. Potential side effects are mild and often diminish over time. These may include fluid retention, acne and oily skin, enlarged prostate, or emotional changes. Careful testing and dosing minimizes risks.

Is TRT only prescribed for older men?

No. Younger men can also experience symptomatic low testosterone requiring treatment. Lifestyle, medical conditions, genetics, and other factors may contribute to low T at any age. An experienced clinician will determine if TRT is appropriate regardless of your age.

How long until I feel the benefits of TRT?

Most men begin experiencing positive effects within 1-2 weeks, but full benefits are seen at around 3 months as levels stabilize. It's crucial to be patient and remain consistent with your prescribed therapy. With the right protocol and lifestyle, major improvements are observed long-term.

Will I have to be on TRT for life?

For most men, TRT is a lifelong therapy. When hypogonadism is properly diagnosed, testosterone levels will not increase naturally without treatment. That said, some patients can cycle off TRT under their physician's supervision or try alternatives like Clomid after several years on therapy.

Does insurance cover testosterone replacement therapy?

Many insurance plans cover TRT to some degree when low testosterone is clinically diagnosed, but coverage varies. Rejuvenate Medical will verify your benefits, and we also offer personalized payment options. Insurance or not, our clinicians will ensure you get the treatment you need.


At Rejuvenate Medical, we are committed to providing comprehensive and personalized care for men seeking testosterone replacement therapy. Our team of experienced physicians utilizes advanced diagnostic techniques and state-of-the-art therapies to ensure optimal results. We understand that TRT is not a one-size-fits-all solution, which is why we tailor our treatment plans to each individual's unique needs and goals. By combining expert medical care with lifestyle optimization strategies, we empower our patients to achieve renewed vitality, improved overall health, and an enhanced quality of life. If you are experiencing symptoms of low testosterone or seeking to optimize your hormonal balance, we invite you to contact Rejuvenate Medical and take the first step towards reclaiming your masculine energy and well-being.

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